I am going through a lot of changes right now – dietary, emotional, health, career, spiritual; managing change is not always easy.
I have been able to achieve many things in my life, and I thank the universe for providing me with the abilities I need to succeed. I am fortunate that I can learn pretty much anything I truly want to learn – it just takes some time and dedication to help it all take form.
When I am going through a period of intense spiritual growth, I sometimes feel like a gawky teenager. Nothing feels like it fits- I feel like a weird geek, I feel clumsy. At these times, I find that it helps me to take stock of how I have my life organized… sometimes the systems I use need a tune-up.
I have some very specific goals for myself over the next twelve months, and I really want to achieve them. I realize that in order for this to work, I need to completely overhaul the way I handle my papers and calendar. It will take some focus and some work, and I know that with determination I will conquer the paper in my life and tame it into something I can live with. I sometimes get professional organizing help at these times.
If you could use some help feeling graceful (and even joyful!) during a big change you are experiencing, please contact me. The work I do can help you connect with your inner calm. Blessings!
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