Think of the most recent time you were really doing something that brought you joy – what was it? Where were you? What could you hear, see, touch, smell?
Doing what you enjoy feeds your soul and reduces your stress.
Sometimes in our careers or in life, we can get so wrapped up in the day-to-day that we loose touch with what we actually enjoy right now. This can contribute to burn out.
Is there anything in the way of you doing what you love?
If you feel out of touch with doing what you love, take a few moments to explore…
Slow down and notice how you feel in the moment during daily activities. Just slowing down and being present can let us tap in to our senses and notice just how excellent each moment can feel. Take notes when possible so that you can see your patterns.
Take time to laugh! It could be at a joke from a friend, a short video, time with a pet – whatever makes you laugh; feel that essence of joy and let it ripple out to other parts of your life.
Make a statement of gratitude and then do something nice for another person. Both of these things help with positive external focus, and they can help us re-frame and see the rest of the day in terms of beauty and joy.
If you are feeling disconnected from your purpose, life activation and life purpose readings both offer benefits. The activation actually opens up your connection to your purpose and your ability to live it. The life purpose reading reveals the details of what you “signed up” to do here on earth in this lifetime.
I’ve had several executives and entrepreneurs as clients for the life purpose readings, and they received practical information that has been of direct use to them in working on and within their businesses. It can also be calming and centering to receive information that resonates and helps you to remember why you are here!
Life activations open connection to purpose and give the energy boost to us that we can utilize to take a bold move towards our dreams.
I wish you bliss in all that you do, and if you need a little help connecting with your bliss, let me know…
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