After an amazing Kabbalah class yesterday, I felt really, super-empowered.
Next weekend we will have the Empower Thyself class here in Seattle, a two-day class that includes initiation into the Solomonic lineage. This is a truly magickal and amazing experience.
My energy has been feeling good because of the work I’ve been doing with these classes, yet my body has not caught up to feeling quite as good as my spiritual self.
It was time to make power-bars at home last night, now called “Em-power-ment” bars over here!
I used a blender, some oats, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, some almond butter, maple syrup, a bit of vanilla, some sea salt, and plenty of love. I still need to goof around with the recipe a little to get them to hold their shape, and they definitely tasted good! I feel more empowered already. Now I don’t have to read labels at a store to see if I really want to put one of *those* (commercial) power bars in my mouth.
Power to the people! If you want the recipe, feel free to email me. : )
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